lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

The dilemma of Anacharsis

Here can be finded a discusion about a Davidson's critic to Strawson philosophy. One of the arguments is that if we, as Kant, supousse there exists a "conceptual scheme", then we cannot reach at it's knowledge as if it was not tracendental but real. In the terms of the mentioned blog: "What right, then, does Strawson have to describe our conceptual scheme, a scheme he repeatedly admits we cannot transcend?".

Well, I think the idea is very similar to another very old one. I.e., certain dilemma attributed to Anacharsis from which it would not be possible any criteria to judge any art.

Anacharsis consider two possibilities: the person who judges about art is a profane or an artist. If he is a profane, he would not be able to do it because he would not know about it. In the other case (which is the similar one to de cited argument), the artist must be the judge at the same time that the judged (as artist himself) and that is not allowed, because then, how can he be a fair judge?

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